Bunny’s Tale Synopsis

Scene 1. DEATH is having a bad day. Things start OK with its regular hospice run then it attends a fatal car crash to discover that The Easter Bunny (“Buns”) has revived the driver. They argue & Buns reveals that quality demands & high prices have forced her into the nefarious practice to allow her to sell limbs to The Amputation Angel.

Scene 2. Buns & The Tooth Fairy (“Toothy”) meet in a cafe where they discuss how DEATH caught Buns in the act. The Amputation Angel & Buns’ sex positive lifestyle are expanded on. DEATH arrives and Buns leaves shortly afterwards leaving Toothy & DEATH to discuss DEATH’s feelings on HR and the bad blood between it and Famine,

Scene 3. DEATH and Toothy at a cafe. They discuss DEATH’s fears for Buns’ safety & reveal the truth about The Amputation Angel.

Scene 4 Famine & DEATH meet in the same cafe. Some bad blood is aired while Famine tries to convince DEATH to rejoin the band.

Scene 5. HR confronts DEATH at an accident and tries to get it to betray Buns. For once bureaucracy betrays HR.

Scene 6. The resolution. DEATH & Buns depart the stage hand in hand. What? Is this a rom-com or something? Thankfully not.